Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The fabrication of BEGOTTEN

The truth in their book itself, but "only those can accept the truth who listen"

The fabrication of BEGOTTEN

John 3:16King James Version (KJV)

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Jesus is the Son of God Bible has sons of God in tons. As the Bible says, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." (Romans 8:14) So whoever follows the commandments of God is a son of God meaning a follower of God. But Christians claim he is not any ordinary son, but is in the "begotten" son of God and as the lambs are little sheep. Thus son of God should be little God. But the sheep beget the lamb by the function of sex. The word "begotten" means sired. How dare they attribute such a thing to God?

begotten Son of God has very different meaning with son of God so please open your dictionary so that you can understand very well!!!. But I don't think you know what begotten means. begotten means he had sex with Mary and had Jesus as a baby.. begotten is involve lower animal functions if sex.. Thats why when you say to some one "my begotten son" he will punch you across the face because you are insulting him and his mother.

The reason those scholars removed the word "begotten" in the RSV is because the word is a fabrication. Because if its true that the bible say "His ONLY begotten son" then that means the bible is contradicting it self, because even David and Israel are the begotten sons of God way before Jesus : Psalms A-V {2:7} I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou [art] my Son; this day have I BEGOTTEN thee.

Exodus A-V {4:22} And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel[is] my son, [even] my firstborn.

So how come your bible say "ONLY BEGOTTEN SON" ??

He's not begotten, and he's not the only son of God so why do you keep emphasizes on the phrase? do you mean that he is begotten from a sexual intercourse?

He bible it says so and so are son of God but that doesn't mean they were god sons so why does Jesus peace be upon him have to be the only son while others in the bible were said to be sons ...! Were Adam, Israel and Soloman all other sons of God, before the Messiah (peace be upon him)?

As in that the meaning of son in the bible just means a righteous servant of God!

Adam (peace be upon him), and he too is described as a son of God. But that doesnt mean that they are Sons of God . God has no sons. That everyone mentioned to be sons were meant as a righteous servant of God.This usage of the word “son” in the language of the Bible is a metaphor for the righteous servant of God, without it implying anything special or unique about the way in which he is created, or describing him literally as the offspring of God.

To be son of God in the bible is in righteousness and not to be truly a "son", there are many sons of God in the bible. When the jews asked him what do you mean you are son of God he said : isnt it written (in torah) that you all are sons of God...

Why did jesus say "my father your father, my god your god" john 20:17 ??? Jesus speaks of God as a separate being to himself: I'm going up to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God. [John; 20.120.1]

He said ( OUR father who are in heaven ) Jesus did not say my father he said our. Which mean jesus is not physically the son of god, he is spiritually the son of god, but He came in the form of a servant. If Jesus was God he would have told people to worship him, but he did the opposite and disapproved anyone worshipping him: And in vain they worship Me [Matthew; 15.9]

We (Muslims) believe there was no male intervention what so ever, but rather by a command from God saying be and he was.

Allah says: "She (Mary) said: "How can I have a son, O Lord, when no man has touched me?" He said: "That is how God creates what He wills. When He decrees a thing, He says ´Be´, and it is". Quran (3:47)

ALLAH Said in Surah Maryam [19:88-95]:

88. And they say: "The Most Beneficent (Allah) has begotten a son (or offspring or children) [as the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah, and the Christians say that He has begotten a son ['Iesa (Christ)], and the pagan Arabs say that He has begotten daughters (angels, etc.)]."

89. Indeed you have brought forth (said) a terrible evil thing.

90. Whereby the heavens are almost torn, and the earth is split asunder, and the mountains fall in ruins,

91. That they ascribe a son (or offspring or children) to the Most Beneficent (Allah).

92. But it is not suitable for (the Majesty of) the Most Beneficent (Allah) that He should beget a son (or offspring or children).

93. There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes unto the Most Beneficent (Allah) as a slave.

Jesus was sent by God calling the people to only worship God. Jesus never ever made the claim that he was God or a literal son of God. "Son of God" according to the language of that time meant a servant of God, someone very close to God, but in no way did it imply that God had a literal son, as the Bible has sons by the tons. So again we love Jesus pbuh as a Mighty Messenger, and we believe he was al-Masīḥ ("the Messiah") who called people to worship the Creator and not himself or anything else in the creation but God Almighty alone.

According to the Bible every righteous person who follows the Commandments of God is referred to as ‘son of God’. As the Bible says, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." (Romans 8:14)

In the Bible, God has thousands of sons. It is mentioned in:

a. Luke: 3 v. 38: "…Adam, which was the son of God."

b. Genesis, 6 v. 2: "That the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair…."

c. Exodus, 4 v. 22: "…Israel is my son, even my firstborn".”…For I (God) am a Father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn."

d. Psalms, 2 v. 7: "…the LORD hath said unto me, (David) ‘Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee.’"

e. Matt 5 v.9- “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God”.

f. Jeremiah 31 v.9- Ephraim is my first-born.

g. In Acts 17 v. 29- “For as much then as we are the offspring of God”.

Here all of humankind is referred to as ‘offspring’, metaphorically.

The Christians agree with the reasoning but say that "but Jesus (pbuh) was not like that". God made Adam, and God made every living thing, but ‘Jesus was the begotten son of God, begotten not made’.

And the Christians quote from the Gospel of John, Chap 3 verse 16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Meaning of the word ‘begotten’ .When asked the meaning of the word ‘begotten’ the Christian will rarely be able to explain. Begetting is an animal act belonging to the animal function of sex. ‘Begotten’ means "sired". How dare the Church attribute such a lowly function to God?

The only rational conclusion from all of the above verses is that the term "son of God" is a title which means "righteous person" or "holy man" of God, it does not literally mean God's one and only son.

The word ‘begotten’ has been thrown out of the Bible:

The word ‘begotten’ mentioned in the Gospel of John, Chap 3 vs. 16 has been thrown out from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible as an interpolation, as a fabrication.

The Revised Standard Version has been revised by 32 Christian Scholars of the highest eminence, backed by 50 different co-operating denominations and these Scholars have removed this blasphemous word without any ceremony as an interpolation, concoction, fabrication, and adulteration. Yet the majority of Christians are unaware of this important fact because they do not read their own Bibles.

The priests in their sermons continue to use this blasphemous verse and indoctrinate the masses with false teachings. So if you are still using this blasphemous word, please stop using it because it does NOT exist in the original manuscripts of the Bible and has been thrown out of the Bible.

Saturday, March 6, 2021



Paul said, “But be it so, I did not burden you nevertheless, being crafty, I CAUGHT YOU WITH GUILE.” [2 CORINTHIANS 12:16]

Definition of GUILE: means ruse, sharp practice, treachery, trickery and wiliness.) “For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?” [Romans 3:7]

WHAT JESUS IN THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT THE LIAR: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.” [John. 8:44-45]

WHAT JESUS SAYS ABOUT THE PHARISEES: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” [Matthew 23:15]

PAUL ADMITS HE’S A PHARISEE: “But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question.” [Acts 23:6]

WHAT JESUS SAYS ABOUT PREACHING TO THE GENTILES: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.” [Matthew 10:5-6] “But he Jesus answered and said, “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” [Matthew 15:24]

Paul the founder of Christianity.

paul 💀🔥🔥🔥🔥you want to be with him?!!!


Jesus: what do you teach? 

"I want you to show mercy, not offer 👉sacrifices👈. ' For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners." -Matthew 9:13 

"I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.'' Luke 5:32

Disciples: what did Jesus teach? 

"Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away." -Acts 3: 19

Paul (Fake apostle): what did Jesus teach? 

"👉Christ died for our sins👈" -1corinthians 15-3

Who is the LIAR?!

Paul the founder of Christianity.

paul 💀🔥🔥🔥🔥you want to be with him?!!!

Friday, March 5, 2021

Some miracles of the Qur'an

The miracle in the Quran:

When the disbelievers in Mecca have denied the existence of the day of judgement, and refused to accept the power of Allah and his ability to send them back after there death and to gather there bones, Allah has answered that he is not just able to reform there bones but also to recreate there fingerprints, this small part of the human body which identifies its carrier and allow us to differentiate between individuals under any circumstances. All this was proven by scientific experiments in the end of the 19th century. This is a real miracle that indicates the power of the creator Allah who said in the Quran:

Allah says: ( Soon will We show them Our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?) (SURAH  FUSSILAT:53)

While it is stated in the Qur'an that it is easy for Allah to bring man back to life after death, peoples' fingerprints are particularly emphasized: Allah says: "Yes indeed; We are able to shape again the tips of his fingers.”Quran(75:4) 

Scientific facts:  Finger prints are formed in the embryo at the fourth month, and remain fixed and distinct all along man’s life.  Finger prints are a record of curvatures that arise due to the fusion between the epidermis with the dermis.  These curvatures differ from one person to another, and they never match or correspond among all humans.  Finger prints have become the best method to identify persons.  In 1858, the English Scientist, William Herschel, pointed out that finger  prints differ with the difference of their holders, thus rendering them as distinctive feature evidence for each person.

Physicians conducted wide anatomical studies on a large number of people of different nationalities and ages, and they were confronted with the scientific fact to which they bowed their heads, and in submission they testified that no one is ever able to make similar all finger prints scattering all over the universe not even among two persons. 

Here it is noticed that the verse speaks also of the recreation of all finger tips, and not only one.  The word fingertips refer to all hand fingers. So shaping them again after being scattered all over the universe on Resurrection Day is a sign of Allah’s almighty power.  This is but one side of Allah’s ability to resurrect people on Doomsday with their identifiable parts after annihilation.

Therefore, it is not surprising that fingertips are one of Allah’s signs that contain the secret of His creation, and certify to the entity of the person without any confusion, thus becoming the most genuine testimony in this world and the Hereafter.  The finger print is also a demonstration of Allah’s greatness of shaping such lines on a very small space no more than few square centimeters.

In this photo mountain ice with a height of 700 meters, but there is the root of it extends below the surface of the water to a depth of 3 kilometers, has been the root of icebergs cause of the sinking of many ships, because the sailors did not think that all the iceberg him root extending deep beneath the surface sea. The weight of this root more than 300 million tons. This scientific fact, no one knows the time of revelation of the Qur'an, but the Qur'an referred to via an accurate reflection of the Almighty, saying: (And the mountains as pegs) [news: 7]. Consider me how this mountain much like Wedge planted in the ground!

The earth's crust and from the mountains and plateaus and deserts over the depths of liquid and soft animation (known as Layer cinema), the earth's crust, and what it Westmead and constantly moving and will result in movement of cracks and huge earthquakes destroy everything .. But this did not happen .. Why? - Has been shown recently that two-thirds of any mountain rooted in the depths of the earth and in the (layer cinema) and only a third of a prominent above-ground therefore likeness of God Almighty mountains that hold the tent peg land as in the previous verse, and has made these verses at the Muslim youth, which was held in Riyadh in 1979 and has astonished professor America (Palmer) and the world geological Japanese (Slardo) and they said it is not reasonable in any way to be the words of a human, especially that it was said 1400 years ago because we did not arrive at the scientific facts only after extensive studies with the aid of technology of the twentieth century that were not in an era when there was ignorance and underdevelopment throughout the land) also attended the discussion of the world (Frank Bryce) Counsel American President (Carter) and specialized in geology and the sea and said, agape can not Mohammed become familiar with this information and must be the pinnacle of them is the creator of this universe, the knower secrets and laws and designs).

Andre Cailleux and J. Moody Stuart, Anatomy of the Earth – McGraw-Hill Companies: 1968, p.220.

It’s now known that most mountain ranges are underlain by crustal roots floating atop the hot plastically deforming mantle


ISostasy is not a process which upset equilibrium but one which restores equilibrium



Isostasy and Mountain Ranges


Isostasy and Mountain Building



Miracle 360 joints

Before 1995, it was thought that there are 340 bones in the human skeleton.However in 1995, a scientific institute proved that the internal ear subsists of 10 joints. Thus, 20 joints were added, and the discovery was made that the human body consists of 360 bones. Scientists have recently concluded that the human body consists of 360 joints a fact that the Prophet (PBUH) had stated over 1400 years back.

Hadith Miracles: 360 Joints in The Human Body -"Aisha reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Every one of the children of Adam has been created with three hundred and sixty joints.

(Translation of Sahih Muslim, The Book of Zakat (Kitab Al-Zakat), Book 005, Number 2199)" .

Beside from the beautiful teachings about Worshiping the One True Living GOD Almighty and removing obstacles from the paths of people, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him made a very important scientific claim, and that is: Our human bodies have 360 joints in them.

The Scientific Fact:

The joint is a point of articulation of two bones, a bone and gristle, or two gristles in any part of the human body.

The total number of joints, according to scientists, is:

1- Skull joints: 86

2- Throat joints: 6

3- Thorax joints: 66

4- Spine and Pelvis joints: 76

5- Upper limbs: 32 x 2 = 64

6- Lower limbs: 31 x 2= 62

Total number of joints: 360

Facets of Scientific Inimitability:

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the number of joints in the human body is 360, although at that time it was impossible to know such information, for most of the joints are very small and hard to see with the naked eye. The exact number of joints was not discovered until development in the fields of anatomy and histology.

Thus, the Prophet (peace be upon him) accurately pinpointed the number of joints fourteen centuries ago while modern anatomy came to assert this scientific fact only recently.

It is amazing that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) explained the number of the body joints so accurately, even at that time when no one had any idea about human genetics. Even now in the 21st century, several people still do not know the number of joints in their bodies, along with many professors of orthopedics. But many of them have concluded that indeed there are 360 bones in the human body.

Thus, we can conclude that the Prophet (PBUH) over 1400 years back did indeed get divine revelations, and it is because of these revelations that statements made at that time are being proved to be true today. Thus, we as Muslims should utilize these joints given to us by God Almighty to worship him and thank him for all his bounties on us.

Watch On YouTube




With some360 joints in the human body, there are a lot of opportunities for pain. This can range from minor soreness, to pain and stiffness that can seriously affect your quality of life.


It is stressed in the Quran that the Sun and Moon follow specific trajectories:

It is He Who created night and day and the Sun and Moon, each one swimming in a sphere. (Quran, 21:33)

The word "swim" in the above verse is expressed in Arabic by the word "sabaha" and is used to describe the movement of the Sun in space. The word means that the Sun does not move randomly through space but that it rotates around its axis and follows a course as it does so. The fact that the Sun is not fixed in position but rather follows a specific trajectory is also stated in another verse:

And the Sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. (Quran, 36:38)

These facts set out in the Quran were only discovered by means of astronomical advances in our own time. According to astronomers' calculations, the Sun moves along a path known as the Solar Apex in the path of the star Vega at an incredible speed of 720,000 kmph (447,000 mph). In rough terms, this shows that the Sun traverses some 17.28 million km (10.74 million miles) a day. As well as the Sun itself, all the planets and satellites within its gravitational field also travel the same distance. 

The Quran however, revealed at that time, provided clear information concerning that fact. This is proof that this book is indeed Allah's word.

Watch "The Sun runs model 2" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/ptXHSM5p-Ac

Watch "All swiming In an Orbit In The Light Of Quran Part 2" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/1K_JdF_hRJ0

Watch "All swiming In an Orbit In The Light Of Quran Part 1" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/gFcGd8fhvE4


This verse indicates that there is something in the skin which makes us feel pain. This is exactly what modern science tells us i.e. pain receptors are responsible for feeling pain. It was thought that the sense of feeling and pain was dependent only on the brain. Recent discoveries however prove that there are pain receptors present in the skin, without which a person would not be able to feel pain. When a doctor examines a patient suffering from burn injuries, he verifies the degree of burns by a pinprick. If the patient feels pain, the doctor is happy, because it indicates that the burns are superficial and the pain receptors are intact. On the other hand, if the patient does not feel any pain, it indicates that it is a deep burn and the pain receptors have been destroyed.

So for the sake of argument, those who killed millions of innocent people can be punished only once in this world but God is so powerful that he can punish as many times as he wants by giving them fresh skin in the hereafter. E.g. a person who has killed 100 innocent people can be punished just once in this world while God can punish him 99 times more in the hereafter.

Prof. Tagatat Tejasen, who was an Atheists doing research on these pain receptors for years was impressed so much with the Quranic accuracy of this verse (revealed 1400 years ago) that he proclaimed in front of the audience: "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger".

Watch "Pain Receptors - Amazing scientific fact from the Quran" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/dJGdJjns118

 Watch "Pain receptors in Quran (MIRACLE)!!" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/1YYOhaip7dM

"The Romans have been defeated in the lowest land, but after their defeat they will soon be victorious,In a few years". (Quran 30:2-4)

Today it is confirmed that the Lowest point on the earth is the Dead Sea Shore. If you have a topographical globe - topographical globes show the elevations and depressions of the earth - and if you look at where is the lowest point on the earth, you will see that that is around the Jerusalem area. That is the lowest point on the earth. So, the Romans were in fact defeated at Jerusalem, and that is the lowest point on the earth according to the Quran.

The lowest point on land on earth is at the Dead Sea, on the border of Jordan and Israel. The Dead Sea lies at 1,312 feet (400 meters) below sea level.

Nobody 1400 years ago knew where the lowest land on earth is. In fact only recently have People discovered that the lowest point on earth is in fact the Dead Sea Shore/ Jerusalem area using satellite technology

How could an illiterate Man like Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) know where the lowest land was? Again nobody 1400 years ago knew where the lowest point on earth was. No ancient book (like the Bible, Hindu Books, or ancient Roman/Greek works) mentions the Dead Sea/Jerusalem area as the lowest point on earth. Yet the Quran mentions this. This is proof that the Quran is the word of Allah and there is something supernatural and unique about this book.

For More on the Persian Defeat of the Romans see: 

Greatrex, Geoffrey B. (1998). Rome and Persia at War, 502–532. Rome: Francis Cairns.

History of the Byzantine State, Ostrogorsky, p. 95.

History of the Byzantine State, Ostrogorsky, pp. 100-101, and History of Persia, Sykes, vol. 1, pp. 483-484. 

Also see The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Micropaedia vol. 4, p. 1036.

For the Dead Sea/Israel/Jerusalem being the Lowest Point on Earth, Please see: 




Watch "scientific miracle of Quran on Byzantine victory in the lowest land" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/Ejqm2vvjcAM

The Verses in the Quran That Mention Future Events Which Later Came to Pass

One example of the events foretold in the Quran is the victory of the Romans over the Persians within three to nine years after the Romans were defeated by the Persians. God has said in the Quran:

"The Romans have been defeated in the lowest land, but after their defeat they will soon be victorious,In a few years". (Quran 30:2-4)

Let us see what history tells us about these wars. A book entitled History of the Byzantine State says that the Roman army was badly defeated at Antioch in 613, and as a result, the Persians swiftly pushed forward on all fronts.1  At that time, it was hard to imagine that the Romans would defeat the Persians, but the Quran foretold that the Romans would be victorious within three to nine years.  In 622, nine years after the Romans’ defeat, the two forces (Romans and Persians) met on Armenian soil, and the result was the decisive victory of the Romans over the Persians, for the first time after the Romans’ defeat in 613.2  The prophecy was fulfilled just as God has said in the Quran.

There are also many other verses in the Quran and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad  that mention future events which later came to pass.


The light of the sun is due to a chemical process on its surface that has been taking place continuously for the past five billion years. It will come to an end at some point of time in the future when the sun will be totally extinguished leading to extinction of all life on earth. Regarding the impermanence of the sun’s existence the Qur’aan says: "And the Sun Runs its course For a period determined For it; that is The decree of (Him) The exalted in Might, The All-Knowing." [Al-Qur’aan 36:38] 

The Arabic word used here is mustaqarr, which means a place or time that is determined. Thus the Qur’aan says that the sun runs towards a determined place, and will do so only up to a pre-determined period of time – meaning that it will end or extinguish.The Quran however, revealed at that time, provided clear information concerning that fact. This is proof that this book is indeed Allah's word.


Miracles of the Qur'an

Scientists have discovered recently that the ants are equipped with a strong external skeleton (exoskeleton) to protect and support the ant’s fragile body. Being inflexible, the ant’s skeleton gets crushed when pressed just as glass does! The recently discovered fact that ants’ bodies can get “crushed” was reported to us in the Holy Quran 14 centuries ago in a wonderful address from one ant to its fellow ants.

Allah – The Exalted – says: “Till, when they came on the Valley of Ants, An ant said: "O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it." [Al Naml: 18].

So look how the use of the verb “to crush” has precisely expressed that scientific fact.

The recently discovered fact that ants’ bodies can get “crushed” was reported to us in the Holy Quran 1400 years ago. a time when there was no such knowledge about ants, is another one of its scientific miracles.


Watch "The story of the ant and the Hoopoe with the Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) "Yasser Al-Dosari"" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/DCk6Gg34QgQ

New study unveiled the secret of lying. Did you know?

Study finds truth and lies decided by areas of prefrontal cortex. Researchers at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute conducted

a study that confirmed the parts of the brain that make the decision to lie. Study shows region in front of brain

becomes active over lying.

Allah says: (A lying, sinning forelock)

The Region That Controls Our Movements

"No indeed! If he does not stop, We will grab him by the forelock, a lying, sinning forelock." (The Qur'an, 96:15-16)

The expression "the lying, sinning forelock" in the above verse is most interesting. Research carried out in recent years revealed that the prefrontal area, which is responsible for the management of particular functions of the brain, lies in the frontal part of the skull. Scientists only discovered the functions of this area, which the Qur'an pointed out 1,400 years ago, in the last 60 years. If we look inside the skull at the front of the head, we will find the frontal area of the cerebrum. A book 

entitled Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, which includes the results of the latest research on the functions of this area, says:

The motivation and the foresight to plan and initiate movements occur in the anterior portion of the frontal lobes, the prefrontal area. This is a region of association cortex…

The book also says: In relation to its involvement in motivation, the prefrontal area is also thought to be the functional center for aggression…

So, this area of the cerebrum is responsible for planning, motivation, and initiating good and sinful behaviour, and is responsible for telling lies and the truth.

It is clear that the statement "the lying, sinning forelock" corresponds completely to the above explanations. This fact, which scientists have only discovered in the last 60 years, was stated by God in the Qur'an long years ago.That nobody could have known at the time of the revelation of the Quran, once again proves that the Quran is the word of Almighty Allah.

Mother's Milk

The holy verse: God be he blessed and exalted says: (The mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years, (that is) for those (parents) who desire to complete the term of suckling) [Surat al-Baqarah, verse: 233].

The explanation of the verse: This holy verse confirms that the period of complete breastfeeding is two years, so what have scientists found around this period?

Scientific facts:

Scientists have found that the complete food for a baby is in his mother's milk and that this nourishment wouldn't be complete unless the mother breastfeeds her baby for two full years! All doctors confirm that the mother's milk is completely free of bacteria and it is preferable for the baby than any artificial baby milk. Doctors have observed that the children who take artificial milk in feeding bottles are often subjected to various infections even if this bottle is sterile!

It was shown in a modern medical conference that the ideal period of breastfeeding is two years because the child during these two years is in urgent need for antibodies to develop his immune system and these antibodies aren't present except in mother's milk.

The point of inimitability:

Thus, scientists have discovered that breast milk contains antibacterial immune substances. The Quran told us about the suitable period for developing the child's immune system and that these antibodies couldn't be found except in mother's milk as God be he exalted says: (The mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years, (that is) for those (parents) who desire to complete the term of suckling) [Surat al-Baqarah, verse: 233]. And the words (two whole years) to confirm the importance of completing the two years and this is what scientists confirm nowadays.

The Prophet (pbuh) never sailed over the sea during his lifetime, that so what obliged him to talk about an unseen matter, except that Almighty Allah ordered him to do so. Almighty Allah knew through His Comprehensive Knowledge that someday man would discover this amazing scientific fact, so He mentioned it in the Ever-Glorious Qur'an and informed His honorable Prophet about it, so that it would remain a sign asserting that the Ever-Glorious Qur'an is Allah's Words and His final Prophet's words were revealed to him. Allah, the Almighty, says: "He (Muhammad ) does not speak of (his own) desire." [Holy Quran 53:3]

Amazing Scientific Proof

The promises of Allah are always true. The words of Allah are always true. Today, the scientists admitted that there are certainly many volcanoes in the oceans. In fact, the numbers are estimated to be even more than those that are in the mainland. They estimated that 70% of all the volcanoes on earth are found to be under the ocean covering a distance of 64,000 kilometers, which is termed as the "Ring of Fire" that includes the area of Japan, Tonga, etc.

Following World War II, scientists roamed oceans and seas searching for some minerals whose reservoirs were near to be exhausted because of the extravagant materialistic human civilization. They were astonished to find that many volcanic mountain chains extended throughout all oceans along thousands of kilometers and they called them the Mid-ocean Mountains. By studying these oceanic mountain chains, it became clear that they were formed as a result of violent volcanic eruptions through a huge net of deep faults that split the rocky crust and completely surrounded it. These faults were mainly centered on the ocean floor. 

One of the phenomena that scientists have failed to find an answer to is how the water of oceans and seas cannot put out the magma! Moreover, how is it that this magma, in spite of its extreme temperature, is unable to vaporize seas and oceans?

This balance between the opposites: fire and water on the ocean floors (including the South Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean), and some sea bottoms, is a clear witness to the Unlimited Power of Allah.

Was Prophet Muhammad a scientist? Was Muhammad a deep-sea diver or a researcher studying ocean-bottom substances? What equipments were available on Prophet Muhammad that allowed him to declare that there were volcanic eruptions under the sea? NO! All those are the kalam (words) of Allah. Allah swears with what is unknown to mankind at that time (the Jahiliyyah era) and what is just known to mankind because the Qur’an is not only for the ummah of 1400 years ago, but also for the ummah of all time, until that deciding moment arrives.


He has only forbidden you carrion, blood and pork and what has been consecrated to other than Allah. But anyone who is forced to eat it-without desiring it or going to excess in it-commits no crime. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Qur'an, 2:173)

Eating pork is harmful to health in a great many regards. This harm still persists today, despite all the precautions that are taken. First and foremost, no matter how clean the farms and environments on which it is raised may be, the pig is not by nature a clean-living animal. It often plays in, and even eats, its own excrement. Due to this and its biological structure, the pig produces much higher levels of antibodies in its body than other animals. In addition, far higher levels of growth hormone are produced in the pig compared to those in other animals and human beings. Naturally, these high levels of antibodies and growth hormone pass across to and collect in the pig's muscle tissue. Pork meat also contains high levels of cholesterol and lipids. It has been scientifically proven that these significant amounts of antibodies, hormones, cholesterol and lipids in pork represent a serious threat to human health.

The existence of above-average numbers of obese individuals in the populations of countries such as the USA and Germany, in which large quantities of pork are consumed, is now well-known. When exposed to excessive quantities of growth hormone as a result of a pork-based diet, the human body first puts on excessive weight and then suffers physical deformations.

Another harmful substance in pork is the "trichina" worm. This is frequently found in pork and when it enters the human body, it settles directly in the muscles of the heart and represents a possibly fatal threat. Even though it is now technically possible to identify pigs that are infected with trichina, no such methods were known in earlier centuries. That means that everyone who ate pork risked infection by trichina and possible death.

All these reasons are just a part of the wisdom in our Lord's prohibition on the consumption of pork. Moreover, this commandment of our Lord's provides complete protection from the harmful effects of pork under any conditions.

Until the 20th century, it was impossible to be aware of the danger posed to human health by pork. The fact that the Qur'an, revealed fourteen centuries ago, warns against this harm which has been incontrovertibly revealed with modern medical equipment and biological tests, is one of the miracles demonstrating that the Qur'an is the revelation of Allah, the Omniscient. Despite all the precautionary measures and inspections that take place in modern-day pig rearing, the fact that pork is physiologically incompatible with the human body and is a variety of meat harmful to human health has not altered.

Rivers in Desert

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

“The Hour will not begin until the land of the Arabs once again becomes meadows and rivers.” [Narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), Muslim (157)]

Scientists confirm that the Arabian Peninsula, especially the Rub’ al Khali (the Empty Quarter) desert, the world’s driest area, was once covered by lakes, rivers and meadows. Prophet Muhammad (PBAH) spoke of this recent discovery when he confirmed that the Arabian Peninsula will return to it pervious status of being covered with rivers and meadows.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

“The Hour will not begin until the land of the Arabs once again becomes meadows and rivers.” [Narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), Muslim (157)]

- The image testifies to the truthfulness of the Prophet PBUH.

Allah (God) says: He released the two seas, meeting [side by side]; Between them is a barrier [so] neither of them transgresses. So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? - Surah Ar-Rahman 19-21

Has been shown through recent studies show that each sea its own special characteristics which distinguish it from other seas Khdp salinity and weight Allen awareness of water until the color of which varies from one place to another because of variations in temperature and depth and other factors, and stranger than this discovery of the delicate white line is taking shape by the confluence of water, Bahrain each other and this is exactly what is stated in the previous verses, and when discussed in the Qur'anic text with the world of the U.S. Professor of the Sea (Hill) and also the German geologist (Schroeder) responded, saying that this divine science one hundred percent and its trunks between and it is impossible for a person my mother's simple Kmamed be mastered this knowledge in an age dominated by the backwardness and ignorance. that god says in the Quran that this phenomenon that exists in the sea, was revealed to Muhammad, the last of the prophets, a man who had never seen or been to this area, or had heard of it. Isn't it amazing that this has been in the Quran 1400 years ago?

In a scientific way, the scientists started at the beginning of the twenty century to study the structure of the atmosphere and they proved that it consists of oxygen and nitrogen. The oxygen represents 21%of the air, the nitrogen is 78% and the other gases like carbon and water vapor are 1% of the air. Any disturbance in these ratios will eliminate life on earth. But God's mercy had determined these ratios without any changes except in small ratios. The diminution of oxygen in the upper layers of the sky is a known scientific fact. So that we see mountains climbers put containers which are full of oxygen on their shoulders to breath with it while climbing because oxygen decreases at the tops of the mountains. The first feeling when human ascends to a higher place is dyspnea and constriction in the lungs till he suffocates and dies. This scientific fact was unknown at the time of the descending of the Qur'an as no one at that time knew anything about what is called oxygen also no one knew that when we goes up oxygen decreases.

But the holy Qur'an described this scientific fact precisely when God be He exalted described the strayed man who is far from his God as if a human who is living in the upper layers of the atmosphere as he can't breath and always feels with dyspnea and constriction in the lungs till he reaches the maximum point where he is going to die. God says :( and whomsoever He wills to send astray, He makes his breast closed and constricted, as if he is climbing up to the sky)(Sûrat Al-An’âm- verse 125).

God gave human two lungs and exploited the air in the atmosphere to him; also He descended the Qur'an with orders of happiness in the world and in the hereafter. So if the human is far from these orders, he will be as if he is ascending to the upper layers of the atmosphere where there is no air so his breast will be closed and he will suffer in his life till he dies.

God be He exalted told us about this scientific fact from hundreds of years in concise and few words as He says:(He makes his breast closed and constricted, as if he is climbing up to the sky). Who told prophet Mohamed about this Physical Law? And who told him that human when ascends toward the sky feels with dyspnea and constriction in the lungs? -------------------- By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel



Allen, O.E. Atmosphere (Time-Life, 1983).

Maury, Jean-Pierre. The Atmosphere (Barron, 1989).

Parker, Steve. The Earth and How It Works (Dorling-Kindersley, 1993).

Waves under ocean

The holy Qur’an referred to a new scientific discovery that is in the deep of oceans there are waves and dark, let us read …

Scientists discovered that in the deep of oceans there are deep waves which are different from surface waves. Allah Almighty makes the parable of deeds of atheists and disbelievers as a man who lives in the deep of the sea where he is covered by a layer of deep waves that is covered by a layer of surface waves which is covered by darkness, this likeningis to demonstrate how those atheists by their deeds are far from the light of Allah (following principles and orders of Islam). Allah Almighty says “ (Or [the state of a disbeliever] is like the darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed with a great wave topped by a great wave, topped by dark clouds, darkness, one above another, if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! And he for whom Allah has not appointed light, for him there is no light.){Sûrat An-Nûr -The Light –verse 40}. Glory to Allah, recent scientists found that discovery in 2007 and they didn’t expect that finding. Who told prophet Mohamed peace be upon him about the deep waves? Allah is the teller who says about Himself: ((He Alone) the All-Knower of the Gha'ib (unseen), and He reveals to none His Gha'ib (unseen).*Except to a Messenger (from mankind) whom He has chosen (He informs him of unseen as much as He likes)){Sûrat Al-Jinn -The Jinn -verse26-27}. The Prophet (sa) never sailed over the sea during his lifetime, that so what obliged him to talk about an unseen matter, except that Almighty Allah ordered him to do so. Almighty Allah knew through His Comprehensive Knowledge that someday man would discover this amazing scientific fact, so He mentioned it in the Ever-Glorious Qur'an and informed His honorable Prophet about it, so that it would remain a sign asserting that the Ever-Glorious Qur'an is Allah's Words and His final Prophet's words were revealed to him. Allah, the Almighty, says: "He (Muhammad ) does not speak of (his own) desire." [Holy Quran 53:3]

The image is nowadays being taught in the world major universities. It illustrates an established scientific fact in the field of hydrology. We see how the sweet palatable water of the river flows and mixes with the salty water of the ocean. Scientists discovered a barrier that is formed between the two waters. The barrier (isthmus) prevents the salty water from overwhelming the palatable water of the river. Allah the Exalted revealed this scientific fact, 14 centuries ago, in the Quran as He says: (And He is Who has made two seas to flow freely, one sweet that subdues thirst by its sweetness, and the other salty that burns by its saltness; and between the two He has made a barrier and inviolable obstruction) [25:53]. This is taught today in the major universities of the world, it represents the fact that the uncertainty in the science of water, where we see the flow of the river fresh and with ocean water salty, scientists have found a front or isthmus interval between Almein, the isthmus prevent the tyranny of salted water to fresh water, The Glory who called us this scientific fact 14 centuries ago.Apologists believe that Surah 25:53 of the Qur’an is scientifically accurate. They conclude that since the process was unknown to humankind during the time of Prophet Muhammad, this verse (and the Qur’an as a whole) is revealed by Allah.


Glory be to Him Who created all the pairs: from what the earth produces and from themselves and from things unknown to them. (Qur'an, 36:36) … And He creates other things you do not know. (Qur'an, 16:8)

The above verses indicate the existence of life forms unknown to people at the time of the revelation of the Qur'an. Indeed, with the discovery of the microscope, new living things too small to be seen with the naked eye have also been discovered by man. People have therefore begun to learn about the existence of these life forms, indicated in the Qur'an. Other verses which point to the existence of micro-organisms, which are invisible to the naked eye and generally consist of a single cell, read: … He is the Knower of the Unseen, Whom not even the weight of the smallest particle eludes, either in the heavens or in the earth; nor is there anything smaller or larger than that which is not in a Clear Book. (Qur'an, 34:3) … Not even the smallest speck eludes your Lord, either on earth or in heaven. Nor is there anything smaller than that, or larger, which is not in a Clear Book. (Qur'an, 10:61)

There are 20 times more members of this secret world, which is spread all over the planet, micro-organisms in other words, than there are animals on Earth. These micro-organisms, invisible to the naked eye, comprise bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and Acarina (mites and ticks). They also constitute an important element in the balance of life on Earth. For example, the nitrogen cycle, one of the fundamental components of the formation of life on Earth, is made possible by bacteria. Root fungi are the most important element in plants being able to take up minerals from the soil. The bacteria on our tongues prevent us being poisoned by food containing nitrates, such as salad stuffs and meat.

At the same time, certain bacteria and algae possess the ability to make photosynthesis, the fundamental element in life on Earth, and share that task with plants. Some members of the Acarina family decompose organic substances and turn them into foodstuffs suitable for plants. As we have seen, these tiny life forms, about which we have only learned with modern technological equipment, are essential to human life.

Fourteen centuries ago, the Qur'an indicated the existence of living things beyond those which can be seen with the naked eye. This is another spectacular miracle contained within the verses of the Qur'an.


The Qur'an indicates, when recounting Prophet Sulayman's (as) life, that ants have a communication system: 

Then, when they reached the Valley of the Ants,An ant said: "O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it."(Qur'an, 27: 18) Scientific research into ants has revealed that these tiny animals have very organised social lives and that, as a requirement of that organisation, they also have a very complex communication network. For example, National Geographic reports that:

Huge and tiny, an ant carries in her head multiple sensory organs to pick up chemical and visual signals vital to colonies that may contain a million or more workers, all of which are female. The brain contains half a million nerve cells; eyes are compound; antennae act as nose and fingertips. Projections below the mouth sense taste; hairs respond to touch.

Even if we are not aware of it, ants use a variety of methods to communicate, thanks to their very sensitive sensory organs. They use these organs at all times, from finding prey to following one another, and from building their nests to waging war. With 500,000 nerve cells squeezed into their 2-3 mm bodies, they possess a communications system that astonishes human beings.

The reactions in their communications have been divided into several specific categories: alarm, recruitment, grooming, exchange of oral and anal liquid, group effect, recognition, caste determination… Ants, which establish an ordered society by means of these reactions, live a life based on the mutual exchange of information. To bring about this exchange, they sometimes exhibit more flawless communication in areas that human beings often cannot resolve through speech, such as coming together, sharing, cleaning, and defence.

Ants mainly communicate on the chemical level. These semiochemicals, known as pheromones, are chemical compounds that are perceived by smell and secreted by internal glands. In addition, they play the most important role in organising ant societies. When an ant secretes a pheromone, the other ants receive it by means of smell or taste and duly respond. Research into ant pheromones has revealed that all signals are emitted according to the needs of the colony. Moreover, the intensity of the pheromone emitted also varies according to the urgency of the situation at hand.

As we have seen, ants require a profound knowledge of chemistry to do what they do. The fact that the Qur'an emphasized this fact 1,400 years ago, a time when there was no such knowledge about ants, is another one of its scientific miracles.


Your Lord revealed to the bees: "Build dwellings in the mountains and the trees, and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat from every kind of fruit and travel the paths of your Lord, which have been made easy for you to follow." From inside them comes a drink of varying colours, containing healing for mankind. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect. (Qur'an, 16:68-69)

In the honey bee colonies where each of the many bees is assigned a specific task, the only exception is the male honey bee. The males do not contribute to the defence of the hive or its cleaning, to gathering food, or making of the honeycomb and honey. The only function of the male bees in the hive is to inseminate the queen bee.106 Apart from reproductive organs, the males possess almost none of the features possessed by the other bees and it is therefore impossible for them to do anything but fertilise the queen.

The worker bees carry the entire load of the colony. Although they are females like the queen, their ovaries have no maturity. This renders them sterile. They have several duties: cleaning the hive, maintaining the larvae and the young, feeding the queen bee and the males, producing honey, constructing the honeycomb and repairing it, ventilating the hive and safeguarding it, gathering supplies like nectar, pollen, water and resin, and storing these in the hive.

In Arabic, there are two different usages of verbs. By means of the usage, it is possible to determine whether the subject is a female or a male. As a matter of fact, the verbs (italic words) used for the honey bee in the verses are used in the format of the verb for females. Through this, the Qur'an indicates that the honey bees that work in the making of the honey are females.

We should not forget that it is impossible for this fact to have been known about the honey bees in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Yet, Allah has pointed at this fact and shown us yet another miracle of the Qur'an.

The Almighty said: (and we send the winds fertilizing) (15:22)

And this is proven by modern science as the benefits of wind they carry the pollen grains to pollinate the flowers that will later bear fruit, it is told Muhammad, peace be upon him, and that the wind is inoculated flowers? Is not that evidence that this Qur'aan is the word of God??? God be he exalted says: (And We send the winds fertilizing (to fill heavily the clouds with water), then cause the water (rain) to descend from the sky, and We give it to you to drink, and it is not you who are the owners of its stores [i.e. to give water to whom you like or to withhold it from whom you like) [Sûrat A-Hijr, verse: 22]

This verse indicates to a scientific fact which is related to the fertilization of clouds by winds till the rain falls, so God be he exalted tells us about a grace of his graces and a great favor that he let the winds a means of life continuity, as the winds fertilize these clouds therefore it is a reason of rains fall.

So it is impossible for clouds to be formed then it is impossible to rains to fall except there are air currents which is the winds that push and gather the molecules of evaporated water, then the winds work as fertilizers for the clouds and this what Quran mentioned. As God be he exalted says: (And We send the winds fertilizing). So we have to thank God for this grace and we say: All the praises and thanks be to Allah!


And We have decreed set phases for the Moon, until it ends up looking like an old date branch. It is not for the Sun to overtake the Moon nor for the night to outstrip the day; each one is swimming in a sphere. (Quran, 36:39-40)

The Moon does not follow a regular orbit like the satellites of other planets. As it orbits the Earth, it sometimes moves behind it and sometimes in front. As it also moves with the Earth around the Sun, it actually follows a constant pattern resembling the letter "S" in space. This route, traced by the Moon in space, is described in the Quran as resembling an old date branch and does indeed resemble the twisted form of the date tree branch. Indeed, the word "urjoon" employed in the Quran refers to a thin and twisted date branch and is used to describe that part left after the fruit has been picked. The way that this branch is described as "old" is also most appropriate since old date branches are thinner and more twisted.

There is no doubt that it was impossible for anyone to have any knowledge about the orbit of the Moon 1,400 years ago. The way that this pattern, identified by modern technology and accumulated knowledge, was revealed in the Book is yet another scientific miracle of the Quran.

Miracles of Islam...Amazing Marks on Your Hands......

Subhanallah and people think we came by accident.

Allah says in the Holy Quran: "We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and in their own souls, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things? Quran (41:53)

How many more signs do you need to make you believe? Do not wait til its the End of The Earth for there is nothing to repent by the end.

~Please, think before you die, life is too short, Then you will die and There is no chance to return to believe in God.

Miracles of the Qur'an (the embryo developing in the mother's womb)


At the embryo mugdhah stage, if an incision is made in the embryo and the internal organ is dissected, it will be seen that most of them are formed while the others are not yet completely formed. According to Prof. Johnson, if we describe the embryo as a complete creation, then we are only describing that part which is already created. If we describe it as an incomplete creation, then we are only describing that part which is not yet created. So, is it a complete creation or an incomplete creation? There is no better description of this stage of embryogenesis than the Qur’aanic description, "partly formed and partly unformed", as in the following verse: "We created you Out of dust, then out of Sperm, then out of a leech-like Clot, then out of a morsel Of flesh, partly formed And partly unformed." [Al-Qur’aan 22:5]

Scientifically we know that at this early stage of development there are some cells which are differentiated and there are some cells that are undifferentiated – some organs are formed and yet others unformed.

In 1981, during the Seventh Medical Conference in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Professor Moore said:

“It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Quran about human development.  It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God, because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later.  This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger of God.”

Consequently, Professor Moore was asked the following question: “Does this mean that you believe that the Quran is the word of God?” He replied: “I find no difficulty in accepting this.”

During one conference, Professor Moore stated: “....Because the staging of human embryos is complex, owing to the continuous process of change during development, it is proposed that a new system of classification could be developed using the terms mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah (what Muhammad said, did, or approved of). The proposed system is simple, comprehensive, and conforms with present embryological knowledge.  The intensive studies of the Quran and hadeeth(reliably transmitted reports by the Prophet Muhammad’s  companions of what he said, did, or approved of) in the last four years have revealed a system for classifying human embryos that is amazing since it was recorded in the seventh century A.D.  Although Aristotle, the founder of the science of embryology, realized that chick embryos developed in stages from his studies of hen’s eggs in the fourth century B.C., he did not give any details about these stages.  As far as it is known from the history of embryology, little was known about the staging and classification of human embryos until the twentieth century.  For this reason, the descriptions of the human embryo in the Quran cannot be based on scientific knowledge in the seventh century.  The only reasonable conclusion is: these descriptions were revealed to Muhammad from God.  He could not have known such details because he was an illiterate man with absolutely no scientific training.”

The Alaq Clinging to the Uterus

If we continue to examine the facts announced to us in the Qur'an, about the formation of human beings, we again encounter some very important scientific truth.

When the sperm of the male unites with the ovum of the female, the essence of the baby to be born is formed. This single cell, known as a "zygote" in biology, will instantly begin reproducing by dividing, and eventually become a "piece of flesh," called an embryo. This, of course, can only be seen by human beings with the aid of a microscope.

The embryo, however, does not spend its developmental period in a void. It clings to the uterus, with something like roots that is firmly fixed to the earth by its tendrils. Through this bond, the embryo can obtain the substances essential to its development from the mother's body .

Here, an important miracle of the Qur'an is revealed. While referring to the embryo developing in the mother's womb, Allah uses the word "alaq" in the Qur'an:

Recite: In the name of your Lord Who created man from alaq. Recite: And your Lord is the Most Generous. (Qur'an, 96:1-3)

The meaning of the word "alaq" in Arabic is "a thing that clings to some place." The word is literally used to describe leeches that cling to a body to suck blood.

Certainly, the use of such a specific word for the embryo developing in the mother's womb, proves once again that the Qur'an is the word of Allah, the Lord of all the Worlds.

The Almighty said: ("We created human being from a quintessence of clay * Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed * then created sperm into a clot the clot into bones and clothed the bones with flesh, then we produced it another best of creators * then you will die * and then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will be raised up again * ") Quran(23:12,16)

And the Almighty said: ("O people, if you are in doubt of the Resurrection, then we have created you from dust, then from a sperm and then from a clot, then from the reconstructed embryo, and unformed to show you") Quran (22:4) 

the previous verses it is clear that the creation of man is in phases as follows:

1 - Soil: The evidence for that, and that all the mineral elements and organic composition and the human body found in soil and mud and the second guide that will become dust after his death no different from the soil in anything.

2 - sperm: and that is not honoring the wall of the egg and the resulting fertilized egg (sperm gamete), which incite divisions phones that make sperm gametes grow and multiply so that the embryo of an integrated, as He says: (Verily We created man from a sperm gametes) Rights 2.

3 - leech: After the cell divisions that occur in the fertilized egg shaped cluster of cells similar in form micro-berry fruit (clot) which is characterized by its ability to hung on the wall of the uterus to draw the necessary food from the blood vessels in it.

4 - embryo: Taatkhalq cells of the embryo to give the limb buds and the members and organs of the body different is composed if cells reconstructed the membranes surrounding Balamadgp (membrane placental as well as villi that will become the salvation of later), they cells unformed, and under study microscopic indicate that the fetus at the stage of the embryo seems like a piece of meat or chewed gum and teeth and marked Odharas Madgp.

Not confirm this verse: (from the embryo, synthetic and non-synthetic) Was Muhammad may Allah bless him and grant him peace Device (ECHO) has defined through this fact?!

5 - The advent of bone: scientifically proven that the bones begin to appear at the end of the embryo stage and this coincides with the order in which said verse (Fajlguena lump bones). 6 - Apparel bone meat: I have proved that modern embryology muscle (meat) to be formed, the bones a few weeks, and clothing associated muscle acidifies the skin of the fetus and this fully agrees with him: (and clothed the bones with flesh). When supervised by the seventh week of pregnancy, stages of completion are creating the fetus has ended and became a form akin to unborn baby and needs some time to grow and complete its growth and its length and weight and take a question that has known.

And now: Is it possible for Mohammed Mohammed may Allah bless him and grant him peace to make this medical information and had lived in an era where there is ignorance and backwardness??? I've looked these verses of the great conference miracle medical VII of the Koran in 1982 and what the world heard of Thai (Tajmas) specialized knowledge of the embryos in those verses even announced immediately and without hesitation that there is no god but Allah, Mohammad is the Messenger of God, also attended the conference, Prof. famous ( Keith Moore) is a senior professor of American and Canadian universities and said (it is impossible to be a prophet knew all these minute details on the stages of creating a perception of the fetus and of itself, and must have been in contact with the senior scientist briefed on the various sciences, not and is God) and has announced his conversion to Islam at the conference held in 1983 and line Qur'an and miracles in Arabic in the university's famous book, taught to medical students in the faculties of America and Canada.

The Wrapping of Muscles over the Bones

Another important item of information provided in the verses of the Qur'an is the developmental stages of a human being in the mother's womb. It is stated in these verses that in the mother's womb, the bones develop first, and then the muscles form which wrap around them. [We] then formed the drop into an embryo and formed the embryo into a lump and formed the lump into bones and clothed the bones in flesh; and then brought him into being as another creature. Blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators! (Qur'an, 23:14)

Embryology is the branch of science that studies the development of the embryo in the mother's womb. Until very recently, embryologists assumed that the bones and muscles in an embryo developed at the same time. Yet, advanced microscopic research conducted by virtue of new technological developments has revealed that the revelation of the Qur'an is word for word correct.

These observations at the microscopic level showed that the development inside the mother's womb takes place in just the way it is described in these verses. First, the cartilage tissue of the embryo ossifies. Then, muscular cells that are selected from amongst the tissue around the bones come together and wrap around the bones.

This event is described in a scientific publication titled Developing Human in the following words: ...he shape of the skeleton determines the general appearance of the embryo in the bones stage during the 7th week; muscles do not develop at the same time but their development follows soon after. The muscles take their positions around the bones throughout the body and therefore clothe the bones. Thus, the muscles take their well known forms and structures... The stage of clothing with muscle occurs during the 8th week... In short, developmental stages of man, as described in the Qur'an, are in perfect harmony with the findings of modern embryology.


Did We not create you from a base fluid, then place it in a secure repository for a recognised term? It is We Who determine. What an excellent Determiner! (Surat al-Mursalat, 20-23)

We created man from the purest kind of clay; then made him a drop in a secure receptacle; then formed the drop into a clot and formed the clot into a lump and formed the lump into bones and clothed the bones in flesh; and then brought him into being as another creature. Blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators! (Surat al-Muminun, 12-14)

The above verses about the creation of human beings contain fundamental information from the field of embryology. The description of the womb as ‘a secure receptacle” indicates an important feature that has been better understood through modern science. (Allah knows the truth.) The process that begins with the zygote, produced by the sperm and egg cells coming together and continues until the emergence of a complete human being, made up of trillions of cells all working in harmony, takes place in the mother’s womb.  This place, where the embryo completes its 9 months of development is, as the verse tells us, ‘a secure receptacle.’ The word "mekiynin," translated as ‘secure’ above, also suggests such meanings as ‘unshakeable, sound, resolute, powerful, fixed and safely put in place.’ The word "kararin" also means ‘location, stability, permanence and place of settlement.’ These words very wisely describe the womb as a sound and safe location. 

The mother’s womb provides insulation against external agents, light and sound, and particularly protects the baby against shock and pressure. Located in the pelvic cavity, the womb is well protected by the thick and strong bones that surround’endometrium’ on the inside, helping bear the weight of the embryo until the end of pregnancy.  This structure made up of powerful muscles is ideally constructed for the baby’s growth and development. During pregnancy, the ligaments attaching the bones in the region together become thicker and longer. These ligaments that attach the top of the womb to the strong pelvic bones make the womb strong and stable.

The ligaments that tightly bind the bones together in the pelvic region can be seen. 

The embryo also has a source of the heat, water, oxygen and nutrients it needs during the course of its development. The mother’s womb undergoes many changes that enhance its strength during pregnancy. Together with the muscles, ligaments and elastic tissues it contains, there is also an increase in the number of blood vessels and nerves. The womb is thus able to increase 20 times in weight and 1,000 times in capacity without coming to any harm.The fallopian tubes that support the womb, the ovaries and other connective tissues all expand and become more elastic.The constant changes in the womb continue even after the embryo has grown into a healthy baby many hundreds of times larger than its initial state. The womb now changes in such a way as to permit the baby to exit in a healthy manner. 

During pregnancy, another most miraculous state of affairs regarding the protection of the baby comes about. The baby is also protected against internal threats. When a foreign body enters the body, such as during an organ or bone marrow transplant, the host’s defense system begins reacting, and this can sometimes lead to fatal consequences.But that never happens to the fetus, and the mother’s immune system does not regard it as a foreign body. It is extraordinary how the mother’s immune system tolerates foreign genes from the father; because the baby is 50% foreign body. Marianne van den Heuvel, a scientist from Guelph University, describes this as ‘fascinating’ and continues: ‘That was always a puzzle from an immunology standpoint because the fetus is actually foreign. It’s part of the mother and also part of the father. It should be rejected by the body.

One would expect the defense system, which identifies viruses and tumors as foreign bodies and kills them, also to declare war on the fetus’s cells. But, by the will of Allah, no such thing happens, and the womb remains a very safe and secure place.

All the information about embryology provided in the Qur’an is in full agreement with modern medicine. This information, which has emerged through advanced technology, is one of the clearest proofs that the Qur’an is the revelation of our Lord, the Creator of all. It is also revealed in the Qur’an, which is full of information from hundreds of years ago that sheds light on the scientific world of today, that: 

And in your creation and all the creatures He has spread about there are Signs for people with certainty. (Surat al-Jathiyya, 4)


It is He Who has created hearing, sight and minds for you. What little thanks you show! (Qur'an, 23:78)

Allah brought you out of your mothers' wombs knowing nothing at all, and gave you hearing, sight and minds so that perhaps you would show thanks. (Qur'an, 16:78)

Say: "What do you think? If Allah took away your hearing and your sight and sealed up your hearts, what deity is there, other than Allah, who could give them back to you?"… (Qur'an, 6:46)

We created man from a mingled drop to test him, and We made him hearing and seeing. (Qur'an, 76:2)

The above verses refer to a number of senses given to human beings by Allah. These are always referred in a specific order in the Qur'an: hearing, sight, feeling and understanding.

In a paper published in the Journal of the Islamic Medical Association, Dr. Keith Moore states that during the development of the foetus, the eye begins to form after the inner ear has assumed its first form. He says the brain, the centre of feeling and understanding, begins its development after the ear and the eye.

The foetus' ears begin to develop as early as the twenty-second day of pregnancy and become fully functional in the fourth month. After that, the foetus can hear sounds in its mother's womb. For that reason, the sense of hearing forms before the other vital functions for a new-born baby. The order set out in the Qur'an is striking from that point of view.

The Sex of the Child

Until fairly recently, it was thought that a baby's sex was determined by the mother's cells. Or at least, it was believed that the sex was determined by the male and female cells together. But, we are given different information in the Qur'an, where it is stated that masculinity or femininity is created out of "a drop of sperm which has been ejected." He has created both sexes, male and female from a drop of semen which has been ejected. (Qur'an, 53:45-46)

Wasn't he a drop of ejaculated sperm, then an embryo which He created and shaped, making from it both sexes, male and female? (Qur'an, 75:37-39)

The developing disciplines of genetics and molecular biology have scientifically validated the accuracy of this information given by the Qur'an. It is now understood that sex is determined by the sperm cells from the male, and that the female has no role in this process.

Chromosomes are the main elements in determining sex. Two of the 46 chromosomes that determine the structure of a human being are identified as the sex chromosomes. These two chromosomes are called "XY" in males, and "XX" in females, because the shapes of the chromosomes resemble these letters. The Y chromosome carries the genes that code for masculinity, while the X chromosome carries the genes that code for femininity.

The formation of a new human being begins with the cross combination of one of these chromosomes, which exist in males and females in pairs. In females, both components of the sex cell, which divides into two during ovulation, carry X chromosomes. The sex cell of a male, on the other hand, produces two different kinds of sperm, one that contains X chromosomes and the other Y chromosomes. If an X chromosome from the female unites with a sperm that contains an X chromosome, then the baby is female. If it unites with the sperm that contains a Y chromosome, the baby is male.

In other words, a baby's sex is determined by which chromosome from the male unites with the female's ovum.

None of this was known until the discovery of genes in the 20th century. Indeed, in many cultures, it was believed that a baby's sex was determined by the female. That was why women were blamed when they gave birth to girls.

Fourteen centuries before human genes were discovered, however, the Qur'an revealed information that denies this superstition, and referred to the origin of sex lying not with women, but with the semen deriving from men.

Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last and final messenger of Allah, and he was sent to all of mankind. Allah sent him with a number of miracles, not the least of which was the Quran. The predictions and prophecies of Muhammad (peace be upon him) have come true even in this century and the Quran has been used to convince even scientists of the existence of Allah.

[Please visit "Science Proves Allah": Watch video of famous scientists admit Quran is from Allah and even accept Islam].

Scientist are the people who have the true belief and faith in God. Because when they know more, they believe more. Science explains our belief in God. It give evidence of His existence. it is a good thing to believe in science and God. Science proves Gods existence it does not oppose it. Every single scientific law that has been proved actually prove Gods existence and disproves the theory of evolution.

In 1981, during the Seventh Medical Conference in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Professor Moore said: “It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Quran about human development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God, because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger of God.” Consequently, Professor Moore was asked the following question: “Does this mean that you believe that the Quran is the word of God?” He replied: “I find no difficulty in accepting this.”

Dr. E. Marshall Johnson is Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Developmental Biology at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. There, for 22 years he was Professor of Anatomy, the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy, and the Director of the Daniel Baugh Institute. He was also the President of the Teratology Society. He has authored more than 200 publications. In 1981, during the Seventh Medical Conference in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Professor Johnson said in the presentation of his research paper: [Summary] "The Quran describes not only the development of external form, but emphasizes also the internal stages, the stages inside the embryo, of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science." Also he said: “As a scientist, I can only deal with things which I can specifically see. I can understand embryology and developmental biology. I can understand the words that are translated to me from the Quran. As I gave the example before, if I were to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I knew today and describing things, I could not describe the things which were described. I see no evidence for the fact to refute the concept that this individual, Muhammad, had to be developing this information from some place. So I see nothing here in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved in what he was able to write.”

Dr. William W. Hay is a well-known marine scientist. He is Professor of Geological Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA. He was formerly the Dean of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA. After a discussion with Professor Hay about the Quran’s mention of recently discovered facts on seas, he said: “I find it very interesting that this sort of information is in the ancient scriptures of the Holy Quran, and I have no way of knowing where they would come from, but I think it is extremely interesting that they are there and that this work is going on to discover it, the meaning of some of the passages.” And when he was asked about the source of the Quran, he replied: “Well, I would think it must be the divine being.”

Dr. T. V. N. Persaud is Professor of Anatomy, Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health, and Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. There, he was the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy for 16 years. He is well-known in his field. He is the author or editor of 22 textbooks and has published over 180 scientific papers. In 1991, he received the most distinguished award presented in the field of anatomy in Canada, the J.C.B. Grant Award from the Canadian Association of Anatomists. Professor Persaud has included some Quranic verses and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad in some of his books - and presented these verses and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad at several conferences. When he was asked about the scientific miracles in the Quran which he has researched, he stated the following: “...Muhammad .. could not read, didn’t know to write. - You have someone illiterate making profound pronouncements - amazingly accurate about scientific nature. [so] many accuracies - I have no difficulty in my mind that this is a divine inspiration or revelation which led him to these statements.”

Professor Alfred Kroner who is one of the world's most famous geologists. He is a Professor of Geology and the Chairman of the Department of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. Professor Alfred said: "Thinking about many of these questions and thinking where Muhammad came from, he was after all a Bedouin. I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years with very complicated and advanced technological methods that this is the case." He also said: "Somebody who did not know something about nuclear physics 1400 years ago could not, I think, be in a position to find out from his own mind for instance that the earth and the heavens had the same origin, or many others of the questions that we have discussed here."

Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson is the Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Professor of Molecular and Human Genetics at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. Formerly, he was Professor of Ob-Gyn and the Chairman of the Department of Ob-Gyn at the University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. He was also the President of the American Fertility Society. He has received many awards, including the Association of Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology Public Recognition Award in 1992. Professor Simpson studied the following two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad: [In every one of you, all components of your creation are collected together in your mother’s womb by forty days...]

[If forty-two nights have passed over the embryo, God sends an angel to it, who shapes it and creates its hearing, vision, skin, flesh, and bones....] He studied these two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad extensively, noting that the first forty days constitute a clearly distinguishable stage of embryo-genesis. He was particularly impressed by the absolute precision and accuracy of those sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Then, during one conference, he gave the following opinion: “It follows, I think, that not only there is no conflict between genetics and religion but, in fact, religion can guide science by adding revelation to some of the traditional scientific approaches, that there exist statements in the Quran shown centuries later to be valid, which support knowledge in the Quran having been derived from God.”

Dr. Yoshihide Kozai is Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, and was the Director of the National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan. He said: “I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in [the] Quran, and for us the modern astronomers have been studying very small pieces of the universe. We’ve concentrated our efforts for understanding of [a] very small part. Because by using telescopes, we can see only very few parts [of] the sky without thinking [about the] whole universe. So, by reading [the] Quran and by answering to the questions, I think I can find my future way for investigation of the universe.”

Professor Tejatat Tejasen is the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy at Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Previously, he was the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the same university. During the Eighth Saudi Medical Conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Professor Tejasen stood up and said: “During the last three years, I became interested in the Quran.... From my study and what I have learned from this conference, I believe that everything that has been recorded in the Quran fourteen hundred years ago must be the truth, that can be proved by the scientific means. Since the Prophet Muhammad could neither read nor write, Muhammad must be a messenger who relayed this truth, which was revealed to him as an enlightenment by the one who is eligible [as the] creator. This creator must be God. Therefore, I think this is the time to say La ilaha illa Allah, there is no god to worship except Allah (God), Muhammadur rasoolu Allah, Muhammad is Messenger (Prophet) of Allah (God). Lastly, I must congratulate for the excellent and highly successful arrangement for this conference.... I have gained not only from the scientific point of view and religious point of view but also the great chance of meeting many well-known scientists and making many new friends among the participants. The most precious thing of all that I have gained by coming to this place isLa ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah, and to have become a Muslim.”.

Dr. Gerald C. Goeringer is Course Director and Associate Professor of Medical Embryology at the Department of Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA. During the Eighth Saudi Medical Conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Professor Goeringer stated the following in the presentation of his research paper: “In a relatively few ayahs (Quranic verses) is contained a rather comprehensive description of human development from the time of commingling of the gametes through organogenesis. No such distinct and complete record of human development, such as classification, terminology, and description, existed previously. In most, if not all, instances, this description antedates by many centuries the recording of the various stages of human embryonic and fetal development recorded in the traditional scientific literature."