Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Religion (Islam) is not just belief, it's a way of life

Religion (Islam) gives us the clear idea of, how one can live an entire life, our responsibilities as an individual to the society, family, as son/daughter, as a wife /husband, as father /mother,as an employee/employer, as a ruler etc.

Also Islam shows as the god's greatness in the nature,facilities to be utilized, importance of submission, advantages/disadvantages in here and after life. etc

Simply summarizing Islam is a way of life.

Believe in God (Islam) through His teaching (Qur'an and hadith) and you will see how perfect them as the way of life.. So Islam isn't only a religion that believe in god blindly.! In Islam it is different, Ask, Read, learn and believe..Thats why it is the fastest religion spreading in the world. Islam is a way of life.. Islam is God's true religion.. others are man-made false religions..

Identify the rights of your:

1- Creator

2- Mother

3- Father

4- Spouse

5- Children

6- Neighbours

7- Relatives

8- Friends

9- Employers

10- Employees

11- Teachers

12- Students

13- Self

14- …

Give others their rights and be patient when you don't receive your’s. It is going to hurt deeply. Draw strength from the lives of the messenger, his family and companions. Peace be upon them.

Reward for patience is nothing less than heaven and some excellent companionship, for eternity.

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